Let's concatenate

images/thumbnail.jpg - Thumbnail

We start with two variables:

DATA word1 TYPE string.
DATA word2 TYPE string.
DATA: phrase TYPE string.

word1 = this.
word2 = that.

And we want to concatenate them adding the word “plus” between them and, of course, separate them by space.

Form 1 (the classic):

CONCATENATE word1 plus word2 INTO phrase SEPARATED BY space.

Form 2, which doesn’t leave a space between them:

phrase = word1 &&   && 'plus' &&   && word2.

Form 3, more far fetched but which separates the words:

phrase = word1 && ALT+255 && 'plus' && ALT+255 && word2.

(in which ALT+255 is really pressing ALT and then writing 255) (it isn’t really a space but it looks the same)

Forma 4, the state of the art in concatenation:

phrase = | { word1 } plus { word2 } |.

Actually, this last one even lets you invoke methods directly:

phrase = | { o_book->get_word( 1 ) } plus { o_book->get_word( 2 ) } |.

Thank you Ricardo Monteiro for the ALT+255 trick and Sérgio Fraga for showing us the future. Thank you halfrain for the photo.

Greetings from Abapinho.