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A while ago I showed you that you could SELECT from an internal table. And then I asked myself: if that is possible, shouldn’t INNER JOIN be possible too?


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You Ain’t Gonna Need It means Do what you want, but don’t say I didn’t warn you. Just kidding. Not really.

Copy from SAPGui to the clipboard

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Did you know that your ABAP programme can copy content to your operating system’s clipboard?

SELECTing from an internal table

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Now you can SELECT from an internal table.


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Man, this is one of those endless discussions that will never get anywhere. Ditto trying to decide if you deserve to go on living if you put pineapple on your pizza or Philadelphia cheese on your sushi.

Call SM30 or SM34 from a function module

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If you want to call the SM30 from a program you can use CALL TRANSACTION but there is a simpler way.

Use a dictionary instead of IF or CASE

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The fewer IFs and CASEs the better, right? Every branch of an IF or a CASE is an exception. And we like rules better than exceptions. Here’s one more technique to achieve that.

Fix prefixes

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It’s very easy to mess up with object names in SAP. I recently found a way to minimize that problem: set rules to fix per-package prefixes for certain object types.

I package everything that moves

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I obsessively package everything that moves.


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Undo with abapGit

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Did you know that you can finally make radical changes to a development without fear because there is a simple way to undo all those changes?

The 3 exception parents

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OO exceptions always need a parent. They always have to inherit from somebody. And ABAP gives them 3 alternatives.

Message collector

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SAP messages are all managed centrally through the SE91 transaction, but can appear to a program in a variety of formats.

SELECT single record using an incomplete key

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I was always told that, when selecting a single record, I should use UP TO 1 ROWS whenever the key was not fully provided. My elementary school teacher told me that I should always aks why: why? Nobody ever told me why.

Use & in SAPSript texts

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Let’s say you want to show an url in a SAPScript layout. You place the url in a SAPSCript text and assume everything will work fine. Because most times everything does work fine. It’s just that sometimes…