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abapBlame - My new open source project

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ABAP’s versioning system is terribly bad. Besides all its faults, it doesn’t provide an easy way to determine who did what and when. Git, which is a decent versioning tool, let’s you do this through its git-blame command.

Due to this, many ABAP programmers got used to sign the code with their name and date every time they add, delete or modify lines in a program. And the more that program is modified, the more difficult it becomes to read it and understand what’s there.

[:pt]Curso online grátis de depuração[:]

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[:pt]O Pedro Lima (responsável pelo OnSAP) fez um curso online grátis a ensinar os rudimentos da depuração em ABAP. Espreitem pois está bem feito e porque estas iniciativas merecem todo o nosso apoio. Tenho a certeza de que o Pedro fará mais cursos se vir que há público interessado. Aqui Nota: o curso é em inglês. O Abapinho saúda-vos [:]

No more english translations

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Sadly, Abapinho will not be able to continue posting the English translation of the Portuguese posts. I am sorry to all the readers who don’t speak Portuguese. Abapinho’s main goal has always been to publish ABAP content written in Portuguese. But the possibility of also publishing them in English was a great asset because it allowed us to reach a much wider audience. We were able to do it for several years because the translations were sponsored.

[:pt]Novo livro "UI5 para desenvolvedores SAP/ABAP"[:]

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[:pt]O Flávio Pagoti, do blog ABAP101 publicou um livro em português sobre SAPUI5/OPENUI5. Aqui está o artigo do ABAP101 a anunciar o livro. Lá encontras um link para o comprar. Custa $9,99. A minha principal motivação quando decidi criar o Abapinho foi exactamente combater a gritante falta de conteúdos técnicos de qualidade escritos em português. Hoje as coisas estão um pouco melhores, em particular no mundo do ABAP onde há vários blogs de óptima qualidade.

Presenting the EGSAP_TECH app

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Do you know about the EGSAP_TECH app? It’s a SAP knowledge bank.

Here is a description in the words of its own creators:

I'm 5 years old!

Hello, my name is Abapinho and I’m 5 years old. I’m still growing up. Thank you to everyone who visited me during my short life and a special thank you to all those who participated with tips, ideas and posts. Greetings from me, Abapinho.

Abapinho's best practices

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Recently, I have compiled a set of personal best practices. I decided to share them here by creating a new category (which will soon appear on the menu to the left) into which they will be grouped. The original idea was to make a PDF file but, since they are constantly being reviewed and expanded, this was largely impractical. As such, they will be published one by one. The goal is for these practices to be visible in their entirety as a user-friendly, accessible reference.

Free SAP course on HANA

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SAP started last week a free course on HANA. Run!

<!--:pt-->Curso ABAP em São Paulo - 10% de desconto!<!--:-->

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(actualizado em 16 de Junho) Queres aprender ABAP e moras em São Paulo? Se sim, aqui está a tua oportunidade. ZTREINAMENTO vai realizar um curso de 8 6 semanas que custará R$1.200,00 R$750,00 e é adequado a pessoas sem qualquer conhecimento de ABAP. Serão abordados os seguintes temas: Entendendo alguns conceitos de ABAP Comandos básicos Data Dictionary Trabalhando com funções Trabalhando com module pool