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Use Python to rewrite ABAP code

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When you need to make mass changes to ABAP code, the SAPGui IDE isn’t of much help. Eclipse ADT is better, especially if you just want to rename stuff. But there are lots of changes which you won’t be able to automate there. Namely, changes that most be done hundreds of times and which cannot be done with a simple find and replace. In these cases you probably end up changing everything manually. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Quick Cut and Paste

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I learned yet another small obscure SAPGui functionality. How to speed up copy and paste.

Shortcut to save list local file

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SAP is full of hidden corners rarely visited. Abapinho is happy to shed some light on them.

The command %pc is equivalent to the menu option System/List/Save/Local file:

Abracadabra reveals secret parameter

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Here’s a not very orthodox wat to deal with a report’s selection screen. Sometimes you may need to have a special parameter which you prefer to hide from normal users but still need access to. Example: a flag to activate a debug/trace mode. I’ll show you how you can do this by just typing the magic word, ABRACADABRA. It goes like this: DATA: unhide_parameters TYPE flag. PARAMETERS: p_debug AS CHECKBOX. AT SELECTION-SCREEN.

Go into a transaction skipping its selection screen

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Once again SAPGui surprises me with yet another obscure shortcut I didn’t know about. Let’s use the customer display transaction XD03 as an example: Go into the transaction’s selection screen with /NXD03 Fill in the customer number an press ENTER to display its details Do whatever it is you want to do there and get out of it Suddenly… you remember that you needed to do something else there

Copy a Code Inspector variant to another system

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In my current customer, I have three development systems. There used to be only one. And that’s where I customized and fine tuned the Code Inspector_ variant I use to run Abap Test Cockpit. When the other two appeared, before manually copying the variant into them, I decided to investigate a little bit. Much to my surprise, I found in GitHun project upDOWNci which does exactly what I needed: export and import Code Inspector Now, copying the variant was a piece of cake.

Automatically close the doors you open

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You’re in the editor. You type ( or [ or { or ' and SAP is dumb and doesn’t close it right away like a proper IDE would. Well, Click on the lower right corner icon which gives you access to the SAPGui options where you configure code templates. In the formatting option, activate Enable Auto Brackets and voilá, SAP will now automatically close any doors you open. I don’t see why this isn’t set by default.

Ignore indentions when comparing version

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Sometimes, when comparing versions, several differences show up even when we did not make changes to the code. These differences may simply be a consequence of a Pretty Printer that altered code indentations. This makes comparing the versions confusing. But ABAP Workbench lets you configure the diff tool to ignore indentations and even comments. Just press F5 while there or go to the “Display Format> Settings” menu and adapt it to your needs:

Create templates in SE80 by dragging stuff into the code

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While coding, it’s always good to have ways to speed up what we’re doing. A good one is automatic generation of templates for function and method calls.

I know 3 ways to achieve this.

Find everything at once

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The ABAP editor is full of functionalities yet to be discovered.

When I do CTRL-F to search for text, the option I usually choose is “Find next”.

Yet another way to see a method's parameters

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Let’s say you want to call a method for which you don’t know the parameters. What do you do?

You used to have to use the “pattern” button. Or open the class in a new window to look at the method’s parameters. But then the ABAP Editor evolved and we got auto-complete which made everything much more easy.

But there is yet another way.

ABAP Code PushDown in HANA

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[Guest post by Artur Moreira]

From ABAP version 7.4, SAP introduced the code pushdown concept, which means using more database for calculations (data aggregation, sums and previous calculations).

Incremental search

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When I want to search for a word in an ABAP program I usually press CTRL-F to use the normal search feature of the ABAP editor. I enter the word I want to find and then press “NEXT” to look for it.

But there is another way. And it’s not better nor worse. Just different: the incremental search.

Export and import the ABAP Workbench settings

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Sometimes a thing is right under your nose and your still don’t see it.

At my current client I daily work with a lot of different systems. When I make a change in a setting of one system, either because I’m lazy or because I forget, I end up not applying it to all the others.

But there is a simple way to copy all the ABAP Workbench settings at once from one system to the other.

Use the Split Screen Editor in the version comparison

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By default, the ABAP version comparison tool is horrible. It displays both versions in a single column and, even though the differences are highlighted, it’s awfully confusing. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Press the “settings” button at the top and you’ll find that there are 3 different display modes (besides some other nice options): one-column, two-columns and, surprise, the Split Screen Editor. This is probably the option you’ll want to choose since it’s the most powerful.