Tag > sapgui

Create sessions with the keyboard

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You need to start a new session but your mouse was stolen. No problem. Press CTRL and then the + key and you will see a new session coming in. Thank you Renato Sousa for the tip. And thank you freeimageslive / gratuit for the photo. Greetings from Abapinho.

Happily jumping from line to line

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At the bottom right corner of ABAP editor, right in the status line, you can check in which line and column the cursor is. By double clicking over that information a dialog box is shown and you will be able to introduce a line number to it skip directly. The short key is CTRL-O. It’s very helpful. Thank you Fábio Branquinho for the tip. And thank you to juandesant for the photo.

Slash O

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Throughout all my “SAP life” I’ve used the command /olalala to initiate the lalala transaction in a new GUI window. Until now I had never tried just writing /o. I did today. The result was interesting. Meaning, it’s the same as going to SM04 and then choosing our user. But much easier. Greetings from Abapinho

F1 + F9 = Technical Information

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In a functional screen I often feel the need to see technical information about a particular field. I place the cursor on the field I want, then I click on F1 and a dialog screen will appear with help for that field. Then I click on the button that says “technical information”.But there is a quick way to do the same thing using only the keyboard. There are two possible ways for F1 to display the help for one specific field:

The SAPGui history does not work even when active?

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Has it ever happened to you that SAPGui does not store a history of values that you input to various fields even though the History option is actived in the settings?

SE80 has favourites

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The SE80 transaction contains everything. It seems like those village grocery stores crammed with junk where you can buy toothpaste, bread, shoes, perfume and rice in bulk. I like these grocery stores. But to go there you need to know where you are going, otherwise you’ll walk from pillar to post. But this is what it’s like in these grocery stores but in SE80…. there are favourites. Yes indeed there are.

Be lazy when you write in ABAPese

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To find out which professions attract the laziest people, I googled the following:

Profession Results

“médico preguiçoso (lazy doctor)"| 2,140,000

“advogado preguiçoso (lazy lawyer)"| 1,430,000

“gestor preguiçoso (lazy business administrator)"| 1,020,000

“engenheiro preguiçoso (lazy engineer)"| 647,000

“político preguiçoso (lazy politician)"| 602,000

“economista preguiçoso (lazy economist)"| 284,000

“pedreiro preguiçoso (lazy builder)"| 91,200

As this conclusively proves, engineers are not lazy enough as they are beaten by lawyers and doctors. This must change. And this tip will help. But not without making the following difference clear: lazy is not work-shy. I am talking here about noble laziness, the behaviour of those who like doing things but with the least possible effort. Lazy slobs are not included here.

SAP is something that evolves slowly, and it launched a new editor a few years ago that is full of capabilities many of which, while handy, are barely used. One of them is called ‘Code templates’ which I will now demonstrate:

Forget it!

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O SAP GUI tem boa memória. Vai decorando os valores que lhe vamos metendo nos campos e depois sugere-os quando, mais tarde, voltamos a esses campos. Mas às vezes decora coisas que mais valia esquecer. Como por exemplo quando introduzimos um valor errado e a seguir ele insiste em sugerir-nos esse valor errado. Há uns tempos descobri que este pequeno drama tem solução. Quando, no campo, aparece a combo box com as várias hipóteses, usa as setas do teclado para te posicionares no valor que queres esquecer e depois carrega na tecla DELETE.

Vertical text selection in ABAP editor - really? Really.

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As everyone knows, you can select vertical or horizontal blocks of text almost anywhere in SAPGUI, typing CTRL-Y and then dragging the mouse to make the selection. Everyone also knows that this does not work in ABAP editor. But perhaps what some people don’t know is that there is a way of making this kind of selection in ABAP editor: press and hold ALT. Now you can select blocks of text.

Hopping merrily from ELSE to ELSE

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You have in front of you one of those giant IF ELSEIF ELSEIF ELSEIF ELSEIF ELSE ENDIF that runs through hundreds of lines of code. If you double click on the IF or any of the ELSEIF you jump to the ENDIF. If you double click on the ENDIF down below you go to the IF up above. Everybody knows this. It is handy with a small IF ENDIF. However, it’s not much use with the large ones.

Jumping within ABAP editor

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Have you ever found yourself programming in one of those ABAP programs that’s as long as the Bible with hundreds and hundreds of lines where you always have to jump from one code area to another? Until a few days ago, in my ignorance I was using PageUp and PageDown to jump between the two locations and I wasted loads of time looking for the exact place in the code that I was interested in.

I CTRL-clicked to select a word

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A simple but valuable tip: anywhere in the SAP GUI - including the ABAP Editor - to select a word all you have to do is CTRL-click above it. Cool, no? Unfortunately it doesn’t work on the Mac Java GUI :-( (Thank you Sérgio Fraga for the tip) Greetings from Abapinho.