Tag > sapgui

Contemplating the package

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You are looking at a class in SE24, a table in SE11 or a program in SE80. Now you want to see the package of this object and its content. Until recently, I would do this: first I would look in the object’s characteristics to see its package, then open a new session, go to SE80 and write the package there.

Now I’ve learned a much easier way.

SE16N's technical view

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Hi. How’ve you been? How’s life? All cool? This tip is so simple that if we don’t talk for a while it will all end too quickly. The sun is shinning. It rained in the morning but now it stopped. Moving on. Every time I see someone still using SE16 I wonder why, since SE16N is so much better and already exists for so long. But this is not the tip.

0 is Private, 1 is Protected, 2 is Public

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Simple tip to speed up entering data in (some) fields.

Request Based Debugging

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If you look up the UNAME system variable in debug within a RFC call you may think it kind of odd to find a username that is not your own. What happens is that the system adopts a specific username for remote calls and a new session is started. A new session implies a new execution context and, hence, all our strategically placed breakpoints will no longer be recognised.

This problem can hinder a simple debug forcing us to run through the code looking for THAT remote call to THAT particular system.

SAP has a solution.

Shortcut for time travelling

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Some months ago I showed how to transform the debugger into a time machine. Today’s tip is simple but useful: there is a keyboard shortcut which makes it even simple to travel in time: shift + F12 Just place the cursor in the line you want to travel to and then… shift+F12. Thank you Maxsuel Maia for the tip. Greetings from Abapinho.

Use a password manager in your life

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And there you go, if you read the title you know the hint.

Now, here are some hints about the hint:

The ABAP detective

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When a development is completed in SAP, the time to send it to other systems where it can be duly tested and then executed by users has finally arrived. Before that occurs, however, it has to be checked for lapses, errors and other problems that could lead to our programmes behaving in an unpredictable manner. There is a very useful tool that allows some of these errors and gaps to be filtered out. It is called ABAP Code Inspector.

Close the frozen window

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How many times have you been left with a “hanging” window when you end a debug?

The ABAP editor has a good memory

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Select a word in the ABAP editor and choose CTRL-C. Then select another word and choose CTRL-C again. Then another word and so on. You have copied words several times to the clipboard. Experience and common sense tells us that if you choose CTRL-V you can only paste the last word you copied to the clipboard. But that is not quite right. You may not be aware of it, but the ABAP editor has a good memory.

Function to create cartoons

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Cartoons always look good in a report. In a SAPGui that is boredom in blue, the more colours and cartoons there are the better it is. Luís Rocha showed me a very convenient function to fill up a report with icons.

SAP system name in the window title

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The client where I’m working at the moment owns more SAP systems than the number of volcanoes in Chile. And, of course, it’s inevitable to have multiple sessions open for several of those systems. With the windows minimized it’s impossible to know the matching between systems and sessions. I mean, it was impossible, because today that’s already possible:

Execute commands in the user’s computer

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It’s been a while since Abapinho played with fire. Today he will. Because today he’ll show you how to execute DOS commands on the user’s local machine. After you finish reading this article, you’ll be ready to format the hard disks of all your users. Dealing with danger helps make us aware of the power we have and the responsibility that comes with it. Dear reader, listen to your conscience.

No one cares for LISTBOX

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For some strange reason, LISTBOX is rarely used in report selection screens. Even though it’s widely used throughout the web. Who knows why.

Dear reader, I suggest you pay attention to its advantages:


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Go to SE38 and create a program with the code below. Then turn the computer sound on and press F8. INCLUDE ole2incl. DATA : ole TYPE ole2_object, voz TYPE ole2_object, texto TYPE string. CREATE OBJECT voz 'SAPI.SpVoice'. texto = 'Olá eu sou o SAP e falo português com sotaque estrangeiro'. CALL METHOD OF voz 'Speak' = ole EXPORTING #1 = texto. Note: the parrot not in the photo, just the macaw with which he was talking :)

Keyboard shortcut to transaction field

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And there you are madly typing with SAP when suddenly you need to go to the transaction field and write /OS37 or whatever. But you are writing with so much passion that the thought of leaving the keyboard for a moment to use your mouse seems catastrophic. Instead, you just press 3 keyboard keys: CTRL-SHIFT-7. Thank you Renato Sousa for the tip. Greetings from Abapinho.