Category > Tips & tricks

Syntax error when returning tables of a method

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When you create a return parameter in a method of a class that is a TABLE TYPE based on a type declared in the class proper, an error sometimes pops up that says:

“Type of RETURNING parameters must be fully specified.”

/HS Command

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Most functionals, and even the hardcore functionals, knows that in order to start debugging an ABAP program, we use the /H command. But few programmers, even the hardcode programmers, will know the purpose of the /HS command.

Dynamically call classes and methods

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Now, learn how to dynamically invoke a method.

Let’s go for it.

Don't mix Z functions with maintenance views!

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Today’s hint is not a hint - it’s an advice.

After creating a table, you create its maintenance views. The maintenance views dwell within a group of functions. This group of functions is requested from you at the time of their creation. Since, after all, that’s no more than a set of generated code, and most of it is, nonetheless, standard includes. Loads.

I give you the problem: there are those who create their own Z functions and put them in groups of functions with maintenance views. It’s true. Some do this.

I like LIKE

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In the ‘bad old days’ when the ABAP was even more old-fashioned than today, variable statements were all made through LIKE and were referenced to table fields:


QUICKINFO: tip on how to give tips.

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In my opinion, this tip has arrived a few years too late, as it is now rare to use the WRITE command to directly write things to the screen. Therefore, we can say it’s a retro tip. A vintage tip. But let’s assume we are still in the twentieth century grappling with ABAP’s most Baroque command, WRITE. Then, imagine yourself sitting in front of SAP, listening to Pearl Jam, wearing black headphones and writing WRITEs of a series of values on the screen, which you would like the user to have more information on.

Is that RFC system alive?

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You want to call an RFC function in another system but, because you’re not a carrion eater, you only want to do it if it’s alive. Hence, you need a way of checking whether that particular destination RFC system is alive. How do you do that? Charles Santana does it like this: DATE: rfcdest TYPE rfcdest, ping_status TYPE /sdf/e2e_traffic_light_numeric. CALL FUNCTION '/SDF/RFC_CHECK' EXPORTING iv_destination = rfcdest iv_ping = 'X' * iv_logon = 'X' * iv_latency = 'X' IMPORTING ev_ping_status = ping_status.

Does the function exist?

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You call a function. Imagine it doesn’t answer. It may be that it’s staying silent. Or it’s shy. Or dumb. Or, of all the misfortunes, it doesn’t exist.

To make sure and put your mind to rest you then do:

Writing money without any decimal worries

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Some people read the TCURX to find out the number of decimal places of a CURRENCY when they need to write a money field to an alphanumeric variable.

Are you one of those people? Don’t be.

Finally, expressions can be concatenated

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Finally, the SAP NetWeaver 7.0 Enhancement Package 2 makes ABAP start to seem like a normal programming language.

It even allows expressions to be concatenated, no less!

Decimal to alphanumeric without depending on the user

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When reading a file with numeric values to an internal table or vice versa, the success of the conversion depends on whether the user has defined the dot or comma as the decimal separator. It is customary to then go and read the user setting and then adjust the values from the file with a dot or a comma as required.

But this is unfortunate and rather inelegant. There should be a way of not making this depend on the user.

And there is.

SORTED instead of STANDARD in the cache tables

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Some time ago I wrote a post here showing the advantages of using internal tables with defined indexes instead of simple STANDARD tables. Confession: that habit is so ingrained that since then, almost all the internal tables I have created have continued to be STANDARD TABLE. It’s very common to create internal tables to cache data that I know I’ll often use inside LOOPS to avoid having to SELECT SINGLES inside them.

Share constants among several classes

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Imagine you have a herd of related classes sharing between them a whole bunch of constants. Saying the same thing a different way, would you like all the classes of the herd to have easy access to the bunch of constants?

(If you’re confused, then let me tell you that the “herd” thing was just to baffle you)

Carrying on…..

SAP for rent

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If you really need to access an SAP and nobody lets you, and you don’t have a computer where you can install it or you don’t have enough know-how or patience to do it, you can always rent.

Colour hallucination

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This is not really an article. It’s hardly a tip. It’s closer to getting something off my chest in all the colours of the rainbow.