Tag > sysadmin

Table with all development keys

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When I get to a new project the system administrator generates a development key for each development system assigned to our SAP username. Usually it’s sent to me by e-mail. Usually I lose track of it.

The multiple clocks of your SAP system

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Even though you look at an SAP system as a whole, it is composed by several distinct and interconnected parts. There is a small standard program which checks if each part’s clock is correct and synchronised.

It probably won’t be of much use for your daily work. Still, it’s an interesting curiosity.

Inject ABAP commands into a productive system

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The view below shows how simple it is to create the conditions to inject ABAP commands into programs in a productive system. I considered whether to publish this. But, as it already happened in the past, I believe it is better for this to be known because it is very important for system administrators to be aware of this so they can protect their systems against this threat. Thank you Ricardo Monteiro for the tip.

Transport a local table with its maintenance screens

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Some time ago you created a table and its maintenance screens as local objects.

When, later, you regret it and decide to transport the table, how will you be able to also transport the maintenance screens?

Transporting the maintenance screens function group together with the table is not enough.

The transaction who wanted to call another and couldn't

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John created transaction ZFB01 and associated it with program ZFB01 which, after doing some stuff, does a CALL TRANSACTION on FB01. Then came his friend Mike and ran transaction ZFB01.

He managed to start running it because he had permissions to do it. But half way through he got an error because he doesn’t have permissions to run transaction FB01.

Both John and Mike knew that the system administrators would never ever give Mike permission to run FB01.

I call you and you call me

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You you call a function via RFC you need to provide the RFC DESTINATION for the remote system:

  DESTINATION sistema_longe_daqui.

What if, for some reason, the function running in the remote system needs to call a function in the original system? How would you do it?

Abapinho Dev Tools: Dependencies

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Nuno Morais developed a very useful tool which can compare objects between systems and works much better than transaction SREPO. Abapinho will be its official repository. Code in GitHub. Soon, an instruction manual. Until then, go on and try it. If you like it or have any suggestion please leave a comment here. Thank you Nuno for having developed this and for sharing it with the world in Abapinho. Greetings from Abapinho.

Unlocking objects in a transport request

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When you touch an object and add it to a transport request, it becomes locked there by default. In a transport request you can also lock objects which are not yet locked in another order. But, once locked, how to unlock them?

Find out who transported a request

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The other day, a series of things crashed in our test machine. All of a sudden, no one could work on it. We found a series of transport requests improperly transported to STMS. The user who appears to be associated with each of these requests is its owner. But is it the owner’s fault? Didn’t someone else do the transport?

How can we find out?

Get information on a remote system by RFC

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Here’s a cool mini-function to obtain some details of a remote system accessible by RFC: RFC_SYSTEM_INFO I cannot give any example here because it would reveal very important secret information about my client which would certainly be used by the baddies to perform industrial espionage. But it is easy to test in SE37. Thanks to kingofthebigmacs for the photo. Greetings from Abapinho.

Is that RFC system alive?

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You want to call an RFC function in another system but, because you’re not a carrion eater, you only want to do it if it’s alive. Hence, you need a way of checking whether that particular destination RFC system is alive. How do you do that? Charles Santana does it like this: DATE: rfcdest TYPE rfcdest, ping_status TYPE /sdf/e2e_traffic_light_numeric. CALL FUNCTION '/SDF/RFC_CHECK' EXPORTING iv_destination = rfcdest iv_ping = 'X' * iv_logon = 'X' * iv_latency = 'X' IMPORTING ev_ping_status = ping_status.


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You’ve screwed up the productive system. You made a change to a method of a class (or to a function, whatever). Someone else makes another change to another method of the same class (or to another function of the same group of functions, whatever) and saves it to a different transport. When you transport your changes to the productive system, you discover that the class (or function, whatever) now has a syntax error because the changes had interdependencies. You also discover that now, until you get this problem resolved, all your functional co-workers hate you.

SAP for rent

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If you really need to access an SAP and nobody lets you, and you don’t have a computer where you can install it or you don’t have enough know-how or patience to do it, you can always rent.

Execute commands in the user’s computer

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It’s been a while since Abapinho played with fire. Today he will. Because today he’ll show you how to execute DOS commands on the user’s local machine. After you finish reading this article, you’ll be ready to format the hard disks of all your users. Dealing with danger helps make us aware of the power we have and the responsibility that comes with it. Dear reader, listen to your conscience.


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SAPlink is a Z program that is installed in the development environment and which enables a wide variety of object types to be imported and exported from the Workbench.

Take a look here at some examples of how SAPlink can be used:

  • To transfer a table from one SAP system to another

  • To share a class on the internet

  • To make a local security backup of a set of programs before making a dangerous change

  • To keep a development in our personal repository (in Evernote, of course) in case you need it later in another project

  • Etc.